Denotation: The Large image is of a guy performing and the other smaller images are also of, maybe the other members of the band, young males perfoming and workin gtogether as a group.
Connotation/NVC : The connations of the main image seems like a live picture. The photography took the picture at the moment. The Non-Verbal Communication of the subject seems passionate. He's head is tilted to the side holding the microphone and the stand represents that he is pausing for a break within the song since he isnt singing/speaking into the microphone. It also may show his emotions towards his song or career or maybe the speech he is making
Costume:All the characters in the images are dressed with a indie swag, denim jacket, black moiost probably skinny jeans and ruff back combed hairs or shaved mohicans. Their costumes illustrate the type of genre of music they may be professioned in, rock.
The Lighting/Mode: of the photos go with the colour scheme of the DPS. All the images are taken in black and white mode, which makes the photos in different shades of grey,black or white rather tha RBG colours.
The Colour Scheme: The color scheme is red and white to make the black and white images more effective. The red and white is striking and appealing to the eye.